Who is Marc A. Hurzeler M.D?

press release from 6/2022:

A Gift to the Jefferson Community

Marc A. Hurzeler, MD, in his youth, went to the library often and loved to explore and learn about different subjects. Throughout his life he always felt that it was important to stay curious and continue to learn. As he studied to become a doctor he used many libraries, where his love of reading and writing would eventually benefit others. 

Early in his career, he worked under the Chairman of the American Psychiatry Association, their work enabled the disease “gay”, to be removed from the Universal Diagnostic Statistical Manuel III.  As an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Yale and Medical Director of the Substance Abuse Treatment Unit at the Connecticut Mental Health Center, his research involved creating a new drug, Naltrexone, that enabled patients to stop taking heroin. He helped many patients in his clinical practice, listening, taking notes and writing prescriptions when warranted.  Those who couldn’t afford to pay were not turned away and instead he accepted homemade art and music as payment.   One Christmas night, he was afflicted with a medical issue so severe that he spent three months in the neurological ICU. Unfortunately, he never taught or practiced medicine again. 

Although he was legally blind, he could still see God tiptoeing across the White Mountain peaks, his favorite place in the world. Jefferson was a place he vacationed as a child and retreat in his later years. He was an accomplished musician and member of the Civic Orchestra, first section from his very early years.  One of his favorite childhood memories was of playing violin with Mrs. Phyllis Kimball on her upright piano and his dog Rufus by his side.  He was a brother, uncle, husband and godfather who always had a gentle touch and who was a silent force, teaching patience and kindness. 

Albert Pike an author, poet, orator, editor and thinker once said: ”what you do for yourself alone dies with you, but what you do for others and the world remains immortal.” The Jefferson Library Trustees would like to thank our anonymous donor, with love for the generous endowment of the Marc A. Hurzeler, M.D. Library for future generations.